“down from the trees & admiring our thumbs” ~ Lewis Thomas, The Fragile Species


Science, which is from Latin, meaning to know, is not a belief system, nor a religion.

If it were, then the cars of self-described climate “non-believers” would not operate. Nor would any of the modern contraptions & conveniences on which they depend. Food would never have arrived at the stupor market & the lives they lived in front of the TV never would have happened. Passed tense.


Science is not a belief system, not a religion.

It is based on empirical data & reproducible fact. The extent of scientific fact is often preceded by theory, usually then either proven or disproved or supplanted by a more cogent, comprehensive new theory (CF: Einstein, Quantum Mechanics).

Science falters, becomes “junk science” when data is either co-opted, corrupted or cherry-picked to deliver desireable (albeit false) results to suit the agenda of government or industry.

This has been the case with all things nuclear since the Manhattan Project neared completion & government-corporation cooperation co-opted life & had their greedy claws in. Government greed for power, corporations’ greed for business & both willing to cheat, lie, pollute & kill to achieve their objectives &, in the process brought all life near to the end. Passed past, already long ago.

We were the nuclear generations.
There are nearly 500 nuclear generators in the world.

… If?

No, when the grid goes down or the workers don’t show up, or both, game over.



2016-1217 & 2019 0318