No Returns

We’d just emerged from that hospital when the claw snatched our vehicle up & we were told to tune to frequency 66.6 AM. Actually, as always, the radio was already tuned & turned itself on for us. All we really had to do was listen.

Now on the radio, the everpresent always pleasant voice instructed, “Keep the doors locked, windows rolled up, & arms, legs & heads inside, ‘Until this extincition event has subsided.'” 

Well, we saw that those who managed to remain in their cars were being cabled up & over a glowing ridge, so we stayed. We knew the price of disobedience.

And as we cleared the summit that same voice, now discernably robotic, crackled, “Sorry for the inconvenience.” 

That’s when we were dropped into the volcano.



2016- ?? & 1019 & 2019 0329


But this planet has the prints of inhumanity all over it

I’m not too sure who they all are. Not exactly. Likely, they’re too numerous to mention & we’d deforest the entire planet simply to make enough paper to print a list. 

But I’ve learned something about them & their moves: no one can be prosecuted when a crime scene goes up in flames. Why? No clues. Specifically, no fingerprints. So they live their smart & guiltless lies, I mean lives, while setting fire to our childrens’ earth. 


