Panis et circenses: two minutes before slaughter ushers forth from the horse; everyone is focused on the stupor bowl.

We’re all 
going over the wall.

All pregnant with horror
from the rape few felt or saw.

Hectored, our collective corpse is bound
to be dragged around & around town.

Unlike sticks & stones, bad words now
have the power to end it all.



2016-11/18-19-20 & 2019-02/20


But this planet has the prints of inhumanity all over it

I’m not too sure who they all are. Not exactly. Likely, they’re too numerous to mention & we’d deforest the entire planet simply to make enough paper to print a list. 

But I’ve learned something about them & their moves: no one can be prosecuted when a crime scene goes up in flames. Why? No clues. Specifically, no fingerprints. So they live their smart & guiltless lies, I mean lives, while setting fire to our childrens’ earth. 


